Hope - Yuguutuk

Hope - Yuguutuk


Hope – Yuguutuk is in Dillingham, AK, part of Dillingham County.

According to United States census data, the city has a population of 2,203. 9.9% of residents are 65 years or older, 6.6% less than the U.S. population.

Three neighboring cities, towns, and the like are Clark’s Point, Aleknagik, and Manokotak.

Our network provides data for 1 senior living community in Dillingham, AK with this community.

Places of Interest

The following establishments are located in proximity to Hope – Yuguutuk.



No establishments in proximity

Hearing Aid Stores

No establishments in proximity


Kanakanak Hospital
3.99 miles away


No establishments in proximity

Food and Drink

Coffee Shops

No establishments in proximity

Fast Food

No establishments in proximity


No establishments in proximity


Alaska Commercial Company
4.03 miles away



Wells Fargo
4.11 miles away


No establishments in proximity

Shipping and Mailing

Dillingham Post Office
4.13 miles away

Leisure Activities


No establishments in proximity

Community Centers

No establishments in proximity


Dillingham Public Library
4.07 miles away


Togiak Wilderness
24.19 miles away
Coffee Point
61.24 miles away

Places of Worship

Dillingham Bible Fellowship
0.53 miles away
St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church
3.18 miles away
St. Nicholas Chapel
17.85 miles away
St. John Church
44 miles away
Russian Orthodox Church
61.08 miles away
Baptist Church
61.3 miles away


Department Stores

No establishments in proximity

Shopping Malls

No establishments in proximity

The Weather in Dillingham

June was Dillingham’s warmest month of the last year, with an average high of 65°F. Conversely, its coldest month was November. The average low in November was -1°F.

The city saw 20.12 inches of precipitation, 77.1 inches of snowfall, and average humidity of 80% over the last 12 months.

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